Top 5 Laundry Mistakes You’re Probably Making

Washing laundry is a task many of us dread. But in the process of getting this chore complete, we inevitably make some poor decisions that harm our clothes.

You’d be surprised to know the many mistakes we make with our weekly laundry. Also, did you know that you aren’t supposed to wash your entire pile in a single day?

Now, that we know the first mistake we make, it’s time to get started with a couple more that you didn’t know you were doing!

1. Using hot water every time

Not all garments require hot water as they can shrink, fade and damage certain clothes. Use hot water only for certain clothes like cloth diapers, towels, and napkins. Make sure you read the instructions for your clothes before tossing them in hot water. Apart from this, cutting down on hot water consumption for your laundry needs to only when necessary, can save a huge amount of energy and money.

2. Not sorting your laundry

Sometimes different fabrics have different washing needs. This is why it is important to check the washing instructions of your garments and sort them accordingly. You can start by sorting out dark, light, medium-colored clothes, and then your delicate fabrics like silk, linen, etc. This will avoid any type of damage, fading, color transfer, and shrinkage.

3. Putting your clothes incorrectly

Dumping clothes into your washing machine isn’t the right way to get them cleaned. Apart from sorting your clothes, it is also important how you put them in. There are some things to be noted.

a)      Never put detergent directly on the clothes

b)      Unbutton your shirts to prevent them from ripping

c)      Never leave your zippers open to avoid scratching the machine

d)      Wash your bras clipped or added to a pillowcase

e)      Be cautious of dry clean labeled fabrics

4. Leaving the clothes in the machine

This is a mistake people often make. It defeats the entire purpose of cleaning clothes. Not to mention, it is also unhealthy. Remove clothes from the machine and dry them out after every wash. If not, your clothes are sure to smell funny!

5. Using too much detergent or not the right detergent

When it comes to detergent, you need to be careful about both the choice and the dosage. Remember: more detergent does not equal cleaner clothes. Using too much detergent can be detrimental to your delicate fabrics. This can trap dirt and harsh chemicals that can irritate your skin. This is why it is crucial to only use the recommended amount of detergent for your laundry.

Apart from this, using quality detergents can help maintain your garment’s color and material quality. A quality detergent is free from harmful chemicals that damage fabrics or irritate the skin. Just like Ponvandu.

Ponvandu Active Detergent is formulated to give you cleaner, fresher, and brighter clothes with every wash. Powerful on stains and gentle on fabrics, Ponvandu Active detergent is here to make your laundry chore, easier.

Get yours today!

Top 5 Effective Tips to Get Your Laundry Right!

You wash your clothes almost every day. But are you doing it right?

Washing clothes, sometimes requires extra effort to get it right every time. Some clothes like silk, wool, and linen are delicate and need special care. While your washing machine does the dirty work for you, it is also important to pay attention to how your clothes need to be washed.

To get the best out of your laundry products, we have combined some of the best and a handful of tips to help you get it right. Read on!

1. Temperature is important

The temperature of the water is crucial when it comes to washing different clothes. When washing clothes that are dark in color and tend to bleed, use cold water. Apart from being good for the environment, coldwater will also help you save money on your energy bills.

Only use hot water when washing whites, towels, and cloth diapers. This helps get rid of any dirt and bacteria in them. Warm water is suggested when washing your fibers and jeans.

Bonus tip: to help extend the life of your jeans, wash them less frequently and try freezing them. This will help kill the bacteria and remove odor.

2. Salt for Bright Clothes

Want to keep your clothes from fading? Then wash them with salt.

All you have to do is toss in your bright and dark-colored clothes with a teaspoon of salt. This will help retain the color of your clothing. Apart from this, washing your colored clothes inside out can furthermore help to retain their color.

3. Dry Clothes Quicker

Don’t have much time for your clothes to dry? Then this tip is for you!

Next time you want to save your dryer time, just throw in a dry towel. This will help absorb the moisture from the clothes and help your load dry quickly.

4. Clean your Washing Machine

Your washing machine needs cleaning. Although not regularly, every couple of months will do. The best way to clean your machine is to set it to the largest load, add hot water with white vinegar and a cup of baking soda. Give it a spin for a minute and pause. Let the solution sit in the machine.

It is also important to clean the lids, corners to remove any build-ups. After an hour of rest, complete the cycle and drain. Do this cycle again with only the hot water to help remove any residue.

5. Choose Detergents Wisely

We saved the best tip for the last!

The detergent you choose directly impacts how well your laundry is done. Good detergents are delicate on the fabrics and help kill bacteria, remove tough stains and leave your clothes clean and bright. Do your research before you choose a detergent for your laundry needs.

Ponvandu Active Detergent is a safe and powerful detergent that leaves your clothes gently cleaned with a long-lasting fragrance.

Our powerful formula helps:

  • Get rid of tough stains
  • Maintains Cloth Colour
  • Safe and Gentle

Give your clothes a refreshing spin every time with Ponvandu Active Detergents.

Get yours today!

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When it comes to laundry, there are several kinds of garments that have their specific washing needs. Although all kinds of detergents help in cleaning clothes, one must pay extra attention to stretch the longevity as well maintain the quality of fabrics. If not, you might be at risk of ruining them or obtaining laundry results you would not find satisfactory.

In this article, we shall discuss the need for liquid detergent and how one can use it to obtain cleaner and fresher clothes. To begin with, detergent nowadays comes in many forms. Looking back, laundry care has come a long way. From bars of soaps to liquid detergents, fabric softeners, safe bleaches, and more. Laundry has become much easier with different product options to choose from.

1. Gentle on colors

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While powder detergent is preferred by many, it can still contain bleaching agents that fade the color. Liquid detergents however are gentle on colors. Apart from retaining colors, liquid detergent is also effective on stubborn and greasy stains.

2. Works well with washing machine

When it comes to machine needs, liquid detergent is still ideal. Powder detergent can compromise the color of your delicate fabrics but with the liquid detergent, you would not have to choose between removing stains and retaining color.

3. Easy and convenient

Liquid detergents are fairly easy to use. They come in well-packaged bottles that are easy to store and carry. Apart from this, they are easy to measure and pour too. Liquid detergents unlike powder detergents do not leave unwanted white residue as they dissolve very quickly. This also makes it easier to scrub and remove stains from clothes.

4. Perfect for delicate fabrics

Like said before, liquid detergents are gentler. They dissolve quickly into the water and softly wash away stains and dirt making them perfect for your expensive garments. Fabrics made from wool, silk, linen, etc, require good and gentle detergents for washing purposes. Liquid detergents can be a mild alternative that retains the quality of the fabrics even after several washes.

5. Bonus advantage!

Liquid detergent saves water. It takes a lesser dose of liquid detergent and even lesser water for it dissolves (because it’s already in a liquid state) unlike powder detergent, leaving no residue. They are also ideal for front load and top load machines. But make sure to choose the right one based on your machine.

Liquid detergent can help to make laundry day easier and more efficient. Although liquid soaps come with their set of advantages it doesn’t mean you discard powder detergent altogether. Powder detergents are still a great choice for fully automatic washing machines. They work extremely well on mud stains and stubborn greasy spots. You might have to sort your lighter clothes accordingly before tossing them into the machine.

Powder and liquid detergents come in handy based on the type of clothes, stains, and load you’re washing. This is why it is important to know your detergent before choosing them.

At Ponvandu, we understand detergents can come in various shapes and forms but with one common goal: cleaner clothes that do not compromise the quality of the fabric.

This is why, we have formulated liquid and powder detergents that suit your machine, clothes, and your stain removal requirements. No matter what your laundry needs are, Ponvandu Active Detergents is here for you!

Click the link below to get the right detergent today!

Laundry doesn’t have to be overwhelming if done the right way. What is the right way, you ask?

Then, this blog is for you!

1. Read the labels

Checking the content. A woman reading a label on hairspray bottle

You must pay close to the labels and instructions on how to wash them. If the label mentions that the particular fabric needs to be “washed separately” or “dry wash”, please follow it, so you don’t risk damaging the fabric.

The care labels also mentioned if the particular garment can be machine washed or not. This is because every fabric has its own properties and must be washed accordingly to enhance its durability. Do not try to rush the process to save time and effort. This is only going to cost your fabric’s quality.

2. Sort it out

Before hastily tossing your laundry into the loader, make sure to sort it out correctly. This means you will have to separate your clothes based on their colors- the lights and the darks. This will prevent the garments from fading and ruining other clothes in the load too. Soiled garments must be washed separately too.

After sorting out this way, separate your clothes based on the type of fabric they are. For example, in the dark-colored clothes pile: separate the heavier clothing like jeans, pants, and jackets from the lighter ones like t-shirts and blouses. This helps you choose the cycle that fits right for each kind of clothing. Thus, make it easier and simpler for you.

3.Choose your detergent

Pick a detergent that suits your machine and the type of your clothes best. If you don’t want to use multiple detergents for your laundry, you can also select an all-purpose detergent. Make sure to read the instructions carefully before. Use the recommended dose only. Remember more detergent doesn’t mean cleaner clothes.

The detergent residue on your clothes can in turn cause irritation to your skin and also damage the quality of your clothes. In case of any stains on your fabrics, make sure to pre-treat them before adding them to the load. Another important thing to remember is to never add the detergent directly to the clothes. Detergents must be added to the dispenser to ensure equal distribution of the solution.

Ponvandu Detergent is an all-purpose detergent that helps gently clean your clothes and keep them smelling fresh and looking bright. Get yours today!

4. Water temperature and cycle

You don’t have to wash every load with hot water unless your clothes are heavily soiled or have to be sanitized with hot water to kill germs. The latter is especially applicable when it comes to baby laundry. Other than this, using cold water for your regular clothes works just fine.

Apart from this, choosing the right cycle is important. Select a normal cycle for your regular clothes, while “Delicate” must be used for certain fabrics. For heavier clothing like jeans, jackets, and towels, you can use “Heavy-Duty”

5. Load the washer

Once you have selected the right temperature and cycle, it’s time to load!

But before you do, make sure to do a final check for any untreated stains, wrong clothing (light-colored cloth in the dark-colored load) before loading. Also ensure to check the pockets of the garments for any papers, coins, tissue, etc. Make sure not to leave any zippers or buttons open to avoid damage to both the machine as well as the clothing.

After your final check, you can load the machine. Do not roll your clothes into a wad or cram up the washer with clothes. This prevents the load from moving freely in the water.

6. Dryer time

Once the cycle is complete, make sure to remove your clothes from the washer immediately to dry. This prevents bacterial growth, mildew and prevents bad odors. Either hang them under sunlight or load them into the dryer.

Choose the right dryer temperature based on your clean load to help reduce wrinkles and shrinkage.

7. Storing laundry

Your clean clothes still need care. You must store the completely dry laundry correctly. Fold each piece of clothing and place them in your closet with some spaces. You can place naphthalene balls to prevent pests and keep your clothes smelling fresh for longer periods.

We hope these tips help! Let us know what are the best tips for laundry that you use.

Winter clothes often need special care and maintenance to help prevent them from wearing out and increasing their longevity. 

In this blog, we have gathered few laundry tips that are sure to make caring for your winter easier and simpler.

1.Re-wear your winter clothes

During the winter season, you are less likely to sweat. Therefore, it isn’t always necessary to wash your sweaters and coats frequently. Unless it is smelly or has stains, you can settle for washing your winter after few wears. If you want fresher clothes between each wear, you can add them on the low in your dryer with a dryer sheet for 5 mins for cleaner and fresher clothes. 

2.Treat stains right away!

Whether regular clothes or your winter sweaters, putting off stains to treat them later is always a bad idea. Once the stains have been set; it becomes difficult to get rid of them. Hence, make sure to always treat unsightly stains at the earliest. You can use a stain remover or pre-soak the stains to help get rid of them effectively.

3.Retain the shape of your sweaters

Multiple washes of your sweaters often leave them stretched out. The best way to help retain the shape of your sweaters is by outlining their shape on a big sheet of paper before wash. After the wash, dry your sweater by wrapping them in a towel to help soak up excess water. After this step, lay the sweater on the same paper and reshape it to fill the marked outline. Let it dry flat.

4.Use a laundry bag

When it comes to your hats, beanies, gloves, and mittens- you can settle to wash these once a month. Unless they are stained or smelly. The best way to retain their quality is by putting them in a netted laundry bag. This prevents any wear and tear to the cloth and keeps it from getting separated in the laundry. 

5.Follow the instructions

Before washing your winter clothes, make sure to read the washing instructions from the label. If the garment needs to be dry cleaned, don’t try to machine or hand-wash them. If the fabric is delicate, ensure to use gentle detergents and gentle cycle on your machine. 

6.Storing your winter clothes

Washing winter wears carefully helps them get clean but storing them properly helps prolong their life. Seal your winter clothes when not in use and keep them in your wardrobe. Don’t hang your sweaters instead fold them. Wools stretch and lose their shape when you hang them. Don’t stuff all your winter wear together. Leave them spaces to breathe and stay warm. 

We hope these tips helped! 

Winter cloth care is essential for keeping those expensive coats, sweaters, and boots intact. A good detergent must help gently clean your clothes without damaging or stretching out the fabric. Ponvandu Active Detergents helps you do just that!

Give your winter fabrics the care it deserves with the gentle and effective cleaning of Ponvandu Detergents. Get yours today!

Sometimes washing your clothes doesn’t do the trick. Your clothes require more due to excess bacteria build-up. Foul-smelling clothes are undoubtedly repulsive. There can be many reasons why your clothes smell even after a wash. Two of the major reasons being: bacteria build-up due to sweat or leaving your clothes too long in the machine.

Both of which are unhealthy and unpleasant. In this article, we list a handful of tips on how to eliminate odors from your clothes effectively. Read on!

6 tips to help eliminate odours in clothes

1. Clean your machine

Apart from washing your clothes regularly, it is important to give your machine a good clean-up every now and then. This will help get rid of any built-up residue in the washer that may be causing the foul smell. This would also help get rid of bacteria in the washer and therefore keep your clothes clean.

2. Dry your clothes

Shop for clothing,Clothes shop on hanger at the modern shop boutique

Often, we forget clothes in the washer. But this isn’t a healthy laundry habit. Your clothes are damp and are prone to grow mold and even bacteria. This can give out foul-smell that defeat the purpose of the entire laundry cycle. Remember to always dry out clothes, preferably under sunlight to ensure the bacteria is killed and your clothes are completely clean.

3.Use hot water

Traditional silver cooking pot with white smoke while cooking on black background

Hot water is a great way to get rid of bacteria and disinfect clothes. Toss your clothes in hot water at the end of the cycle and give them a rinse. It helps kill the odor-causing bacteria effectively.

4. Baking soda or Vinegar

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Using baking soda or vinegar can effectively help in fighting odors and mildew. Add in a half-cup of baking or vinegar to your load and let it do its magic. Make sure not to add too much. These ingredients help in cutting down the odor and avoid any bacteria build-up.

5.Store your laundry right

Apart from washing and drying your clothes correctly, it is also important how you store them. Often, clothes kept in inside too long develop unpleasant odors. Fortunately, there are ways you can prevent this. Here are some tips:

  • Give your clothes room to breathe
  • Make sure they are completely dry
  • Place naphthalene balls
  • Make sure there are no foul-smelling agents

Another way to ensure that your clothes smell fresh and are free from bacteria is to soak a cotton ball in few drops of tea tree or lavender essential oil and place them in between your clothes. This can help get rid of bacteria and give your clothes a pleasant smell (Do not use essential oils in case you are allergic or have pets).

6.Consider changing your detergent

Your detergent can also determine the fragrance of your clothes. Often detergents have added fragrances that help eliminate odors and keep clothes smelling fresh. But make sure, these fragrances do not irritate your skin. A quality detergent helps kill bacteria and leaves clothes clean and smelling good.

Ponvandu Active detergents are designed to do just this! Our formulation helps:

  • Get rid of tough stains
  • Kill bacteria and odors
  • Leave clothes clean and fresh

Head to our website to check out our products and get yours today!

If you’re a busy person who has juggled work, and household chores then, you absolutely dread laundry day. Often, we put a hold on household chores to focus more on work and other important things. And then you return to a house filled with dust, dishes, and overflowing laundry baskets.

If you’re one such individual that can use some simple yet effective laundry tips, then this blog is definitely for you. So go ahead, and give it a read!

6 easy laundry tips for busy bees

1. Sort your laundry

This step requires you to keep a few laundry baskets. Sort your baskets based on the clothes you own. For example, keep a separate basket for whites, darks, and really dirty clothes. This way, you don’t have to waste time sorting each garment for the wash. All you have to do is toss your clothes in for a wash and fold them in their basket. It’s simple and efficient!

2. Clean your machine

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Cleaning your machine at regular intervals not only aids better cleaning of your clothes but also enhances the durability of your machine. Now, that’s two things you have to worry less about. Give your machine a good clean every couple of months to remove any residue build-up for a better wash.

3. Add a towel to the dryer

color of bath towel on white wooden background

Forgot to put your clothes to wash on time and now you’re running late with nothing to wear?

Fret not. We have all been there. After all, we’re humans trying to manage through life. This simple trick can help you. Just toss in a towel in the dryer to help absorb moisture from your clothes, allowing them to dry quicker.

4. Keep a schedule

Calendar Event Planner is busy.calendar,clock to set timetable organize schedule,planning for business meeting or travel planning concept. - Image

Mistakes happen. But don’t make it a habit. You cannot always depend on a dry towel for the rescue. This is why you need to come up with a laundry schedule that fits you right. Set a day in every week for your laundry chores. If you have too many clothes piled up, divide your week based on your schedule for your laundry loads.

Don’t pile your clothes up until the last day, and wash them all at once. This puts undue pressure on the machine and doesn’t ensure your clothes are thoroughly clean.

5.Keep your socks safe

One thing that every person running late to their office/school has faced is losing the other sock. You do remember tossing the pair in the machine but can’t find them together anymore. But you can prevent this from happening again with this simple tip.

Just add your socks to a small laundry bag before tossing them for a wash. This way your socks will remain intact for you to easily find them for later.

6.Stay consistent

Laundry doesn’t have to be hard work. But juggling multiple things at once can be burdensome. This is why it is important to keep a schedule and stick to it. Remaining consistent with your schedule is the key to prevent those piles of unwashed clothes in your basket.

It can be tough in the beginning but with the right schedule, laundry can be a cake-walk.

We hope these tips helped.

Ponvandu Active Detergent Liquid understands the need for the busy bees to get every load washed right and clean. With the right detergent, washing clothes can be simpler and effective. Ponvandu Liquid help remove stains faster, leaving your clothes brighter and cleaner in just one wash.

So, you don’t ever have to worry about your laundry going wrong every again!

Get yours today!

As a new parent, you can’t wait to dress your little one in all the adorable clothes you find. But washing them off their dirt and stains seem like a daunting task. Well, it doesn’t have to be.

It is however important that you take some special care when washing and storing your baby’s clothes. But these can be managed effortlessly!


We have listed few simple tips on how to wash and care for those delicate baby clothes below. Keep reading!

5 tips for doing your baby’s laundry

Hand in a yellow glove takes the color Laundry out of the washing machine

1.Baby- only loads: Yes or no?

It is common to think that washing your baby’s laundry separately can be safe and effective. But this isn’t entirely true. Separate baby-loads just adds to your work and might not be an efficient way to wash your clothes. 

It is suggested to combine your baby clothes with your everyday laundry. It can be easier to change your existing detergent to that of a baby-safe detergent. This is because your baby is sure to come in contact with your clothes too. So, the best way to keep your baby’s skin safe from irritants is opting for a mild detergent for all your laundry. 

However, this tip is recommended under certain conditions. Some are as follows:

  • You prefer scented detergents that can irritate the baby’s skin
  • Your baby has sensitive skin or is allergic to existing detergent
  • Someone in the family works with harmful substances/chemicals
  • Stained baby’s clothes that need to be separately washed

2. Removing stains

Color clothes soak in powder detergent water dissolution. Laundry concept

When there is a baby, there will be stains. Whether it is the stains from their smelly poop, baby oil, spit-ups, or more- there is always a simpler way to get rid of them. Here is how:

  • Poop: Soak in lukewarm water and treat it with lemon juice before washing
  • Medications: Soak in luke water and treat it with white vinegar before washing
  • Spit-ups- Treat the stain with lemon juice before washing
  • Stubborn stains- Sprinkle baking soda. Later pour some club soda and then scrub to remove stains
  • Oil stains – pre-treat the area with a dish-wash soap and scrub the area before washing

3. Duration of the machine 

Some important tips must be noted before throwing your baby’s clothes in the machine. Here are some:

Wash your baby’s clothes in small loads. This can help in thorough cleaning without damaging the clothes

Use the gentle cycle to help keep your baby’s clothes looking newer

Rinse twice. This can help get rid of an excess detergent that may irritate the baby’s skin

Washcloth diapers and inners with lukewarm water to help get rid of germs and odors.

Read the instructions before tossing your baby’s clothes in the laundry.

4. Wash before wear 

Green baby shorts soak in baby laundry detergent water dissolution, washing cloth, blue background, Laundry concept.

Whether your baby’s clothes are bought brand new or pre-owned, it is necessary to wash them once. This helps get rid of germs or any harmful irritants that may cause your baby to develop a rash. 

So, make sure to wash any and every cloth bought before you dress your baby in them. 

5.Choosing the right detergent

One of the first things to do before doing your baby’s laundry is to choose the best detergent that is both safe and effective. Detergents often contain harmful chemicals that irritate the baby’s skin. Every parent should do the right amount of research before choosing their baby’s detergent.

Always go for mild, non-scented, and baby-safe detergents for all your clothes. If still hesitant, there are many natural alternatives too. There are many homemade recipes that you can find online. Choose the one that fits safe for your little one!

We hope this helped!